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Audrey miraculously met the Lord and was saved in Cannes France in 1985, and in 1986 she followed His direction to leave France to go to bible school in Tulsa, OK.


Audrey is a graduate of Rhema Bible Training Center and Victory World Mission Center and has been in the ministry since 1987.

Her first love and desire is to know God, to reflect Him and serve Him. Her passion for God and her sensitivity to Holy Spirit enabled her to minister and help many across 5 continents.

Audrey has been healed of bone cancer in 1999, and has a burning desire to bring the message of faith, grace and healing to this generation. Her joy is to connect people with God’s heart, teaching them to walk with Holy Spirit so that with His help they may become fruitful and fulfill their God given destiny...


Audrey married her husband Frederick in 1999. Frederick is a graduate of Charis Bible College but also a successful general contractor who sees his business as an avenue to serve and share his faith. 

Together they make a good team. Audrey has grace to go to the nations, and Fred has grace to let her go. Frederick and Audrey reside in Jacksonville, FL.






Our Main Focus?

The French Speaking Nations...





They include Europe, Quebec, half of Africa and many Islands spread across the oceans, and contrary to what most believe, French speaking people are part of a people group that is unreached and spiritually malnourished. Most of these nations are dominated by atheism, Islam or religious legalism. For example, France is now an atheist nation that has less than 1% of born again believers.


Audrey also wants to help as many as possible to grow in the knowledge and experience of a Living God, to encourage  you to submit uncompromisingly to Jesus Christ, to live a life of integrity and power, equipped to be an effective disciple who will do the same works as Jesus and who will reach those of your own culture and language, those in your own neighborhood and beyond.

Jesus commanded us to make disciples of all nations!

This is where the multiplication begins!


1. We believe the Bible is inspired and empowered by God, infallible and authoritative.


2. We believe in one eternal God who exists as three separate persons; the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.


3. We believe Jesus Christ is the Son of God, born of a virgin, lived a sinless life as He walked among men, demonstrated the authority and power of God in works and speech, died on the cross, rose from the dead on the third day, and is now seated at the right hand of God having accomplished all that is necessary for man's salvation.


4. We believe it is essential for man to repent of sin and by faith receive the finished work of Christ by confessing Him as Lord with his mouth and believing in his heart resulting in regeneration by the Holy Spirit.


5. We believe the Holy Spirit is continuing the work He started at Pentecost empowering believers to live a godly life, continue in all the works of Jesus as well as share the complete Gospel to all the world.


6. We believe in the imminent return of Jesus and that those who have believed in Him will be resurrected to a heavenly dwelling in an incorruptible body, and those who do not believe will join Satan and his host in

everlasting punishment.


7. We believe the true Church is composed of all born-again believers in Christ, regardless of denominational affiliation.

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