The Word says in Rev. 12:11 "They overcame the devil by the blood of the Lamb and the Word of their testimony..."
I hear some say that miracles are done away with... not so! This is why a testimony is so powerful. It demonstrates that Jesus is alive and He still heals, restores, and delivers. Let these testimonies remind you that God loves you, and what He has done in the lives of so many, He wants to do it in yours.
And for those of you who have been touched by the minisry of GoTell, then let us hear what the Lord has done for you. Your testimony will not only glorify God but be a blessing to millions of people in need of healing and encouragement.
Thanks for Sharing...

Savannah C.
Hello Audrey and Staff, I just want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for spreading the truth of God's word. I first heard you preach a couple of months ago while watching a video of Charis Bible College's healing school. I was so touched by your message. Since then I have watched and listened several teachings particularly those on Victorious Faith and Divine Healing. These teachings have allowed me to discover the beautiful truth that it is always God's will to heal and that he has already provided that healing through Jesus! Those teachings have also taught me what faith is and how to exercise my faith to make it stronger. A couple of weeks ago I also heard your message, Power of Perseverance, this message spoke directly to my heart and was exactly what I needed to hear! Glory to God! I have received my healing for several digestive issues, hormonal imbalances, acne, and lack of a menstrual cycle. I currently have seen physical manifestation of my healing in my digestive system. I no longer have difficulty digesting food. Praise God! Because of your teachings I know without a doubt that my entire body is healed and whole. I know Jesus loves me so much and provided that healing for me. I expect to see full physical manifestation in my entire body soon. Thank you for your encouragement and teaching the truth of God's word. It has truly changed my life for the best.
With love,

Myriam T. France
Hello Audrey and Fred,
My name is Myriam. On April 1, I was literally struck down by Covid 19. Symptoms ranged from coughing, loss of taste and smell, to headaches, nausea, and diarrhea. Having no dangerous respiratory problem, I was not hospitalized, but was followed at home by my niece who is a doctor. For 3 days, there was absolutely nothing I could do, no energy, no strength, no desire for anything, except to listen and re-listen to Audrey’s teachings, which I had discovered several years ago. I really believe in healing, and this morning of April 3, at 10:45 am I was sleeping soundly, when I heard the voice of the Holy Spirit (oh I know that voice well), tell me: "Myriam, get up, and get out of your bed and go and call such and such a person (you should know that I am part of the pastoral & counseling team of my church, and during this confinement, we set up a prayer and support line) I tried to negotiate 5 minutes, telling God how tired I was, but the injunction was getting more intense. I then remembered Audrey's testimony, how she was so sick, and on Sunday morning, the Holy Spirit asked her to act like everything was fine, and to behave as she would have done on a normal Sunday. By doing so for a few hours, she got totally healed. So I got up, dragged myself to the chair, and there I started to call people, those who needed to be encouraged during these complicated times! By the time I started talking to the person, (I thought it would be impossible to do) I felt in my body like a surge of new strength which filled me. Suddenly, I regained my strength, no more headaches, no nausea, no coughing ... The taste and smell returned a week and a half later. Healed and restored, this is the work of my Heavenly Dad. I wanted to testify, to say that yes, miracles still exist, yes, God loves to heal. And yes, prayers are effective, and I know I have benefited from them. So thanks.
Myriam T.
L Fournier, Paris
I had a fracture in my left ankle, water retention, swollen ankles, recurring problem irremediable. I went to the conference of "Wake up France", from 12/13 April 2019. During the healing session, the omnipresent pain disappeared. Now I can walk longer and without any pain. Alleluia, Amen, glory to the Lord Jesus.
I bless the Lord for what He has done for me. Five months ago, I was in distress, lonely , suffering from many sicknesses ( chronic inflammations and pains all over my body, nervous system messed up, respiratory problems etc... ) and spiritually under deadly attacks. I had never been at such low point in my whole life and didn’t know if I would survive.
Thank God I started looking for teachings to help me and came across Audrey’s teaching on you Tube. I was primarily focused on physical healing but I didn’t know I would get even more. I wanted and instant healing and a quick fix of all my troubles and I didn’t know it was the beginning of a journey of Faith like never before. I’ve been a christian for a long time but never really understood what Faith really meant. Yes the word of God is true but we can only experience and live it by Faith which is simply put “believing”. God has done so much these past months though it didn’t always seem as if anything was moving but now looking back I can see where I am now and realize how much He has done. I learned the importance of a real connection with the Holy Spirit, He opened my mind to see all my mistakes and to understand so much things I didn’t get before concerning my life.
I have no more depression, my heart and my nights are peaceful, most of the physical symptoms are gone and God is restoring lots of dreams and plans I had . I know I will live and tell of His goodness. There are still so much to be done but I have no more fear only Faith!
In 2014 I had a diagnosis of stage 4 lung cancer, nothing to do, gave me in the best 2 years to live. Besides, I had just lost my brother for the same reasons. The teachings of Audrey Mack really helped me, I put these teachings into practice and I learned to say NO to the disease. In 2018 I am in good health and no trace of the disease.

JONATHAN H. - La Bégude De Mazenc
I want to thank Audrey for her "In-Studio" training on healing. I followed them and ... I was healed! Son of a missionary pastor who has seen hundreds of miracles ... Unfortunately, his own son was not healed ... I thought it was a test that I did deserve. I realized that I had a bad Image of the father ... I was afraid of God. Then the Holy Spirit showed me my unbelief ... then I was cured of asthma. Before I could not spend 2 days without my pills but now I do not take anything since December 19th.
I still had a few struggles, I thought I was going to die as my breathing started to get so complicated but I proclaimed my healing, I commanded it to leave and it left ... GLORY TO GOD.
I was also cured of eczema ... but it was a little longer process. The symptoms were lessening until they finally disappeared.
THANK YOU JESUS for everything done on the cross, thank you Audrey for the time that you gave us ... THANK YOU !!!! I am so happy to discover my identity in Christ ... I REALLY want to go further in this discovery, if you have a training or a book to advise me, I'm interested! Nice day to you and may God continue to use you powerfully !!!
Linda B.
I woke up with a headache this morning, and turned on TBN and caught Andrew Wommack's program. There you were Audrey ! I watched, listened and my headache was gone. Thank you for your message. I am a believer and have been for years, but only recently I have been in touch with my holy spirit. You have a unique energy to explain healing. Thank you and GOD Bless!

Erin A - Jacksonville FL
Hi Audrey and Fred! At last night's Charis class in Jacksonville (4-18-19), I realized that though I had originally gone to see Audrey for prayer to help my second healing to manifest, that did not turn out to be the only case. I, along with a small group, began to pray and minister to a woman there with similar illnesses that the enemy was currently attacking me with in which I had already been healed of 7 years ago. As I began to tell the group my testimony and also lay hands on the woman. A boldness of power and authority rose up in me. I had a vision. I saw myself as a huge apple tree hovering over the woman and she was eating the fruit from my branches. In ministering to her, I received my own rhema word, "We overcome by the blood of the lamb and the word of our testimony." I didn't need prayer for receiving, I needed what was already in me to be poured out! Today, my energy level has made a HUGE improvement as I continue to walk it out into complete manifestation!

Chris Ochenski, TX
Hello Audrey (and Fred!)
I am so excited to share ANOTHER HEALING testimony with you!
My friend, Tina Evans, has been sick with that same junk as Walt. Tina missed several Sundays because of it.
Last Sunday, Jan. 20th she was able to come to church and then attended the afternoon Prophectic Prayer meeting. While she was there I was deeply moved with compassion to go to her home afterwards and pray for her. I KNEW I had to bring the tshirt you had anointed with me.
I shared with her the testimony of Walt's healing and how you have anointed this tshirt and I had taken it home to him. I told her how he was healed by the next day.
As we prayed together it was very beautiful the way the Lord revealed more that needed healing and His sweet love was going into unspoken places and renewing life!!!
Tina came over last night and was WELL!!! She told me our prayer time took her out of being afraid to move forward. (PERFECT LOVE CASTS OUT ALL FEAR OF PUNISHMENT!)
We spoke of your preaching and agreed on the truths that we heard you speak. We laughed when we tried to figure out if it was ok to actually wash the tshirt... we decided it would be ok cuz God is way bigger than Tide detergent!
I feel a humbling sense of responsibility with having stewardship over this tshirt. It's just a shirt I understand but it has brought two people to a place of faith to receive their healings! When we prayed together both times we acknowledged it was GOD doing the work.
The gift goes on. Thank you again, Audrey. We have been the recipients of the love you have shared so freely.

Damien et Suhina.
Hello Audrey, I do not know if your team or you will get the message, but I wanted to encourage you about a message on the victorious faith that I listened to.
My daughter was injured and was forced to wear a splint for 10 days according to the doctor's advice. I am separated and I had to pick up my daughter Suhina with the splint she had to wear. However, in the morning, praying in my bed, I had on my heart that this wound would reveal the glory of God for my 2 daughters and strengthen my faith. After praying I also listened to your video on victorious faith. And then I felt a boldness and greater authority because of something that I finally understood ... I had faith but it may have been hindered by what you call unbelief. I stood up with the certainty that God will heal my daughter. After breakfast, I asked her if she wanted me to pray for her. She hesitated a bit and remembering the many healings she had already experienced, agreed for me to pray. I asked her to untie her splint and I began to pray with authority by putting my hands on her leg. I felt then as if her muscles were moving back in place. And suddenly, I told her "get up and walk you're healed". She raised herself as if uplifted and she walked without any pain. She could not even bend her leg before and there she was running. Surprised, she cried with joy and thanked the Lord. Glory to God and what a beautiful teaching for my daughters and myself who needed to be reminded that i was a child of God.
After some rather disturbing results on my health, someone told me about Audrey Mack and I came across the EMCI website. I had a great revelation about divine healing (In studio with Audrey Mack)! I walk in my healing since! My blood tests are still improving, and I know that God has already healed me! I have a better understanding of the Bible, I have more revelations. I learn to walk according to the will of God. Since then, I am also cured of my anxiety !! I speak in languages ... Everything to say that my life to completely change for the best !! ... Even my girls of 4 years and 7 years are interested in Jesus! Alleluia.
Pastor Gary P.
The challenges of pastoring had begun to take a toll on Gary Piercy that he could no longer ignore. After being referred to a Christian doctor, he was diagnosed with classical clinical depression and given a prescription to treat it.
After being in and out of ministry for years and dealing with his fourth episode of depression, a Christian psychiatrist told Gary he would be on medication for the rest of his life. This was a condition he accepted, returning to the doctor every six months for an update and to renew his prescriptions.
But in 2018, Gary heard about our Healing Is Here event in Colorado. He was asked by one of his congregants to simulcast it, and he explains what took place as they watched. “On Friday night of the Conference, toward the end, the speaker, Audrey Mack . . . invited everyone who wanted healing from mental illnesses to stand . . . So, I stood. Aside from the tingling in my head, I did not sense any other sensation.”
Since that night, Gary has not had to take medication from depression. He doesn’t even have any symptoms of depression. “I feel great and am convinced the Lord has healed me of the chemical imbalance that caused my depression!”
Dennis S. - WA
I was watching you on Andrew Wommack’s re-broadcast of the healing school from 8/16/18.
I was watching it over the weekend, (10/13/18) and you called out someone with a problem with a testicle. I believe only one black man responded at the conference. I have had extreme soreness in one of mine for 14 years caused from edema that I had while I was hospitalized at that time.
I received that word of knowledge when I heard you call it out because I had never heard anyone call that out before and thought it was for me. After awhile I noticed that all of the soreness and pain had disappeared. I am writing this testimony to you 6 days later and the soreness and pain has not returned. So I want to thank you for being obedient to God and voicing out what was somewhat embarrassing for you to call out.
Praise God! This was the first time I had ever heard of you.
Sophie, C. - Sherbrooke QB
I met Audrey Mack at Victory Church on June 24, 2018. I went to see her after her message and I asked her to pray for me for a migraine, and in truth I received a healing of the lungs. I was going out of bronchitis pneumonia and needed 2 pumps a day, I breathed very badly and the doctor thought that I smoked but I do not smoke. I just had tests at the doctor and he just told me that I have pink lungs.
Thank you Audrey and thank you especially to my Jesus.

Tracy - Reunion Island
Hello everyone, I would like to testify what Jesus Christ did in my life.
I had an incurable eye disease that destroyed my life since I was a child because doctors could not find a solution. A corneal transplant seemed totally unavoidable. The Lord guided me to your teachings on divine healing through EMCI TV and it changed my life because I was able to receive my healing!
Indeed, after a visit to the ophthalmologist today, he was surprised to find that the disease had regressed! I know now that it's only a matter of time before the healing is fully manifested! GLORY TO MY POWERFUL GOD and thanks to Audrey MACK for these fabulous teachings.
May God bless you still abundantly.

Stephanie, Belgium
We met Stephanie, a year ago in Belgium, as she came on a stretcher in the church where Audrey was preaching that Sunday. She was unable to walk and function, she was dying a slow death, her body breaking down a little at a time, and because of this her little boy was taken from her and she lost her family. That day, one year ago, God healed her and she took up running and jumping. Now one year later, she is still healed. She came to see Audrey to show her and tell her what the Lord had done in her life. She now can drive again and be independent, she works and her broken relationships were restored. She is so thankful because not only has she reclaimed her health, but her life. Her son was given back to her and she is once again able to take care of him. And to top it all, that little guy asked of his own accord to give his life to Jesus ! God loves to restore broken lives, broken bodies and broken hearts !

Bujumbura - Burundi
I was visiting my family in Bujumbura Burundi during vacation, and while there there was a 3 days healing conference with a speaker of the name of Audrey Mack.I sat in every meeting with my family, but a couple of weeks later I was diagnosed with ovarian cancer. Unfortunately the doctor had to urgently remove one ovary that was badly damaged and then sent me to India to a cancer specialist for further treatment, because in his own words "there was nothing else he could do for me".I realized then that if the doctors could not do anything from me then i had to turn to God. I remembered the teachings of Audrey Mack and how God healed her of cancer, and I knew that what God did for her He would do it for me. We got togetner with my family and prayed. My little sister remembered what Audrey said that even a child filled with the Holy Spirit can lay hands on the sick... so she laid hands on me and prayed. I was so encouraged that I asked God to recreate a new ovary in me. I am so young and I knew I wanted many children one day. My mother being afraid that I was going to be so disappointed said that I was going too far and tried to talk me out of this, but I knew that God was a God of the impossible.As I arrived in India the doctor did all kind of tests on me, then later on with a strange look on his face, asked me why I came. I answered "my doctor in Burundi sent me here to get treatments for ovarian cancer."The doctor replied: "you do not need any treatment, you do not have any cancer and your ovarieS are good.Your ovarieS ? I asked. He even showed me both ovaries on the Xrays. Nevertheless he also showed me that one of them had a little scar on it.I was so shocked that I later called my doctor in Burundi to find out if he really had removed that one ovary.His reply to me was "of course I removed one of your ovaries, it is in a jar on my shelf and I am looking at it"The truth is that I am here today to testify that I am not only healed of cancer, but I have TWO ovaries... I am getting married soon and I know God will give me children.
Claire Lise M - Switzerland
Thank you for your message.
I listen with so much joy and happiness Audrey Mack's studio programs. It is a level of excellence rarely achieved in the Francophonie.
I am strengthened and encouraged.
The facial palsy I suffered from disappears and melts like snow in the sun!
God is so good: his love for us is extravagant.
With my best regards from Switzerland.

Pierre lods, Paris
As I decide to dedicate my life to the Lord and as a musician and singer I start making albums devoted solely to God, a real and new fight begins in my life. During 6 months i live in constant cerebral pain and it is quite difficult to do what God has called me to do but through the programs on EMCI and in particular those with Audrey Mack on VICTORIOUS FAITH and DIVINE HEALING, God then strengthens my faith and I finally gets a hold of my healing. Audrey Mack in several broadcasts mentions the particular verses that really speak to me... James 4: 7 (Submit yourself to God, resist the devil, and he will flee from you) and Isaiah 53: 5 (But he was hurt for our sins, Broken for our iniquities, the chastisement which gives us peace fell on him, and it is by his stripes that we are healed). Thank you Lord, I finally received a total healing from this brachial cervical neuralgia, and did not have to have infiltrations and surgery! Glory to God !!!
Jocelyne from Paris France
Hello everyone, I would like to testify to what happened to me as I was following a women's talk show with Audrey Mack on BEING GUIDED BY THE HOLY SPIRIT.
Audrey Mack said that one way we know we are filled with the Holy Spirit is by speaking in tongues.
I was a bit reluctant about this because I had never been baptized with the Holy Spirit, even though I had been praying repeatedly in my church for that. Being disappointed, I did not really pay attention to it anymore.
At the end of this show Audrey Mack prayed that we could all receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit. Soon after I was at work in my office and I told myself "do not be unbelieving but you need to try".
I then decided to do my lunch break, go to my car and try.
Before Audrey Mack started to pray she said to just open our mouth and cooperate with the Holy Spirit. The amazing thing happened... words came out of my mouth and I was filled with the Holy spirit in my car. I was really happy because in my heart I wanted more of God. My life of prayer has changed completely since that day and I blessed the Lord for that.
I thank you all, so be blessed abundantly.

Iara - Ribeirão Preto, Brazil
My name is IARA and I was abandoned by my parents when I was a baby, 35 years ago.
I was adopted by a host family but this family hurt me a lot, abused me , tortured me , in short, a terrible and sad story. At one time, my adoptive mother locked me in a small room full of mice. It is there in prayer, that I met Jesus Christ, and I knew that I was no longer alone.
For 35 years, I thought about looking for my birth mother, all the time, every day ....
During the conference in April, in Ribeirão Preto, Audrey Mack preached and at the end of the conference she prayed for me. She told me twice: Are you ready for a big change that will happen in your life?
Last month my birth mother finally found me! After years she searched for me and she found me ...
I am deeply happy, so happy and today I testified in my church and I was so full of emotions that I cried.
In December, with my husband and children, we will live near my real mother and brothers. Truly, according to the word of prophecy that Audrey has given me, my life has changed completely. God has given me back my family, Glory to God!

Sammy Nyoike - Nairobi Kenya
My family and I watched Audrey Mack, Saturday night of 09/23/2017, the message on youtube about "communion, health and healing", and as we broke bread, my son got an instant healing on his eyes... Glory be to God Almighty! Towards the end of her message, Audrey directed the audience to do something that you've not been able to do before... I reached in my wallet and gave an offering because i have not been able to give before. It was so easy and with a lot of peace. I feel the love of God all over me. I am so blessed.
I am so amazed on what God is doing in my family through you... How i accidentally bumped onto your teaching on google... this was God. I was searching about praying in tongues and the first message i got was Audrey's on the benefits of praying in tongues.'' This was like a dynamite! My prayer life has changed... Then I listened to "Adoption are you a Child or a Son"... this one made me weep. The presence of the Holy Spirit was so real! I have no words.... Glory be to the Most High God!
God bless you Audrey!
I was going to be baptized in May 2016 and I felt I was missing something .. the baptism of the Holy Spirit .. a week before my water baptism I watched a women's talk show with Audrey Mack and during the prayer I began to speak in tongues for hours! It was extraordinary. Since then, I discern better when the spirit speaks to me

Lily Shvets - Colorado Springs CO
I would like to share with you my personal testimony about healing:
2 years ago I had a migraine for a long period of time; different thoughts would come to my mind that it might be a brain cancer etc. (you know... the devil always uses the same tactics...). One Sunday morning, after service, Audrey prayed for me and I felt like something left from my head... Immediately I knew I was healed. But after a few days the headache started to come back, I could feel that it was moving towards me like a cloud... I commanded it right away to leave from me in Jesus name. I was not going to accept it back again. Praise God, the headache left me in 3-5 min. It happened again 2 more times... I had the same aggressive attitude against the enemy's attack for my health. And after that I was completely HEALED! It hasn't come back to me anymore! Praise Jesus!!!
What I wanted to say is that the enemy sends us and wants us to accept symptoms of an old sickness, even when we are Healed. It is important to renew our mind with the word of God (Romans 12:2) and proclaim the words that are written for us - words have power!
Psalm 107:20: He sent his word, and healed them, and delivered them from their destructions.
This is the promise of God which is YES and AMEN (2 Corinthians 1:20)
Kurt Cunningham, Colorado
Dear Audrey,
My name is Kurt and I would like to share something with you which happened while you were teaching a 3rd year class at CBC Colorado, in the fall of 2015.
The enemy, satan, had been attacking me on many fronts and I was standing against him while being in prayer and the Word. One of his attacks was an agent he was working through, would sit at the end of my row, along the wall and stare at me. I know this isn't much, but it was only a part of a culmination of things the enemy was doing. One day while I was setting on the front row directly in front of you (which was my normal place), I started coming under the attack of fear. This had never happened to me and if I hadn't been in class, I would have rebuked it and been alright. Not wanting to disrupt your class, I came against it in my mind. I rebuked the attack in my mind and began thinking on the Word, however the attack only intensified. As my heart beat faster and faster and fear was gripping my mind, I simply asked Jesus for "help!" You immediately stopped and rebuked any demonic activity and any fear and spoke peace. Just as soon as you had spoken, everything stopped and peace came. I began thanking God for His help and for you. You are alright! Needless to say, even though I had been listening to you before this, I listened more intently. Later,
Well, there's my little story of how the Lord used you to bless me. Keep up the good work lady! You are a blessing!

Montreal Quebec, Canada
I was attending a Women's Conference where Audrey Mack was teaching the word on the Power of Praying in Tongues. When she invited people to receive the Baptism of the Holy Spirit, I was one of the 30 people staying upfront. After we all prayed together, I started Speaking in Tongues. Audrey made it very simple and it was so easy to receive it! Praise God!

Thea - Montreal Quebec, Canada
Hi, my name is Thea. I came to the Women's Conference in a lot of pain. I had a brain tumor, I could barely walk, my balancing was off, the back and shoulders were hurting and I could not speak clearly.
Now, after prayer I received complete Healing in every area of my body. I am able to balance myself, talk clearly, and all pain is gone! I am so Happy and Excited!

Joen - Montreal Quebec, Canada
I came to the Conference with Audrey Mack and I was expecting to receive the healing. Since I was a child I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis. All of my body was in pain, I haven't been able to run for 18 years and I could not bend over...
At the service Audrey encouraged the congregation that we all can minister healing to one another and get healed.
One lady came to me, laid her hands on me and began to pray for me. I got filled with so much joy, peace and happiness on the inside of me. Then I started to feel that I can do something that I was not been able to do before: I started to run, bend over, the pain left my body and I know that I AM HEALED. THANK YOU JESUS! GLORY TO GOD!

Montreal Quebec, Canada
Audrey came to our church and she spoke on Healing. I thought: "It would wonderful if she could pray for me...". I have had a hand injury and I needed a plastic surgery. Every day I was in a critical pain, I had to wear a special brace for my hand, that actually was making a pain even worse.
At the service Audrey encouraged people to practice the healing, pray for one another. So the lady, seating right next to me, took my hand and began to pray a very simple prayer of healing. I was immediately and completely HEALED. I don't have a single hint of pain anymore. Now I cannot wait to see my doctor and testify how God healed my hand.
This experience is very encouraging for me, for my faith and also for the lady that prayed for me.

Lennae McCoy - Jacksonville, FL
I would like to share my testimony, as a way to encourage others in their faith, and to show my profound gratitude for the role Audrey Mack played in influencing my faith.
A few years back, I was attending church service, and our pastor had asked a guest speaker, Audrey Mack, to speak to the congregation on the holy spirit. Towards the end of the service, she asked those who wanted to, to come down and experience the fullness of the Holy Spirit. I went down, and she prayed over us. As she did, my tears flowed, and I remembering desperately wanting to experience the Holy Spirit. I could hear others around me begin to pray in the spirit, but although I wanted to, I wasn't able to at that time. I went home feeling emotional, and a little discouraged. When we arrived home, I felt like I needed to pray. As I prayed to God , I felt His presence again, and I was able then to pray in the spirit. At that moment I felt different,changed somehow, and have never felt such pure peace and joy. Since that day, I have felt a deep desire to draw closer to God, and to learn and grow in my faith. God is so amazing, and everyday I am astonished at how beautiful He is, and how much he loves us.
Pastor Kadsongo - Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso
I am Pastor Honore Kadsongo of Salem Church, which has 7 small congregations in Ouagadougou and its surroundings. I thank God for allowing me to discover your ministry. I have watched your teaching on "Victorious Faith" and "Divine Healing" since yesterday through a French friend. These teachings allowed me to discover and learn many things about Faith to the point that I downloaded them. My son was hospitalized in a hospital in Ouagadougou. According to your teaching I exercised my authority and I am happy to let you know that in this way my son came out of the hospital and the disease left in the name of JESUS.
I will, with your permission, broadcast these Videos in our congregations...
Still thank you, and receive, your husband and all those who help you in your ministry, my brotherly greetings in JESUS CHRIST our Lord and Savior.
Brice, Fourment
Hello, my name is Brice, I am 15 years old and The Lord has changed my life 1 year ago and I just wanted to say THANK YOU for your wonderful video. I just want to tell you that I love you. I saw a video on Emci TV "how to overcome the flesh" and it changed my life ... now I have learnt to really walk in the Spirit to send you my love. See you soon for the Lord is coming ... May the peace of God be given to you from him who is and who was and who is to come!

Bretagne, France
Hi Audrey!
This is Pastor Jeremie Sourdril. I was in Lorient in Brittany this weekend and this lady told me about her healing. She was allergic and could not go to church (even leave the house I think). She was totally healed after listening one of your messages on Enseignemoi.com.
This is so great!
Josh - Charis, Uganda
I thank God for you, for Gotell. You are a gift to us and its only his grace that can explain why you invest of yourself to preach to us.
I was in your conference last year and i was grounded in divine healing. I now know no sickness. In fact this was then, that i joined CBC.
This time when you taught about righteousness, I became sorrowful, a godly sorrow for the first time, for the way i had lived my teenage life. I am now 21 and in college but this has brought me to repentance compared to all the legalistic teachings i used to hear, of not doing this or that. Now i want to do it. Your teaching on adoption and sin consciousness brought light to my heart. Thank you very much. I can't stay the same, my addictions lost their power and i tell you i am going to meditate on this stuff until it sinks deep.
I am now a corresponding Charis student and i hope to hear and see you again next year. You're a blessing.

Marie, Jacksonville FL
Dear Audrey:
I can’t begin to share with you how excited I am. God healed my knee through you several weeks ago when you laid hands on my knee and prayed God’s healing touch.
Praise the Lord; I have had no pain since then. My knee/leg feel as though I never had any pain or discomfort whatsoever. I have had this problem for many years and now I am healed!
I continue to stand on His promises….
It is God’s will for me to be healed. Mathew 8:2-3
He will restore health to me and heal me of my wounds. Jeremiah 30:17
Affliction will NOT rise up a second time. Nahum 1:9
I thank God that he allowed our paths to cross at New Life Church. What a blessing you are to so many of us. Love in Him,

Nantes, France
I suffered from diabetes for many years, having to take two different kinds of insules and many drugs and suffering from all kinds of pains and problems.
This weekend at the church our guest speaker Audrey Mack preached a message of faith, teaching us how to walk by faith and how to receive what Jesus had already obtained for us on the cross.
Her messages were filled with the Word, examples and testimonies that ignited such faith in me. At the end of the evening, I knew I had received my healing. One of the expressions that Audrey used was "what would you do if you were healed?" I knew somehow that I would not need to take insulin, but after talking with other people, they advised me to continue to take my injections.
So that nigh at home I took my insulin as usual, but during the night I got so sick. My sugar levels had fallen so low that my legs and my feet were burning and were on fire, my body was under shock, and pain was shooting through my body. After checking my blod sugar, I finally realized that my body was sick because my body did not need this insulin anymore... I was no more a diabetic. To get better and bring my sugar level to normal, I had to eat sugar blocks and sugary things. WOW!
I am so blessed and happy to testify now that it is true, I am no longer diabetic. God's Word is true and His promises are for those who dare to put their faith in it.
Chantal Lacroix - Sherbrooke, Québec, Canada
I wanted to thank you from my heart for providing these simple steps How to receive the Holy Spirit. I dreamed of being baptized in the Holy Spirit for a long time. I told myself that I would attend the conference where Audrey will be ministering, next May in Montreal and that may be then I could receive the Holy Spirit. When I read your page yesterday, I realized I did not need to wait that long! I followed the steps on your page this morning, and I asked God to fill me with the Holy Spirit. After my prayer, I said aloud a few syllables that I did not understand and it did not come from my head (it's not always easy to tell the difference, but I know these syllables were not from my head). In the coming days I know for sure that the power of the Holy Spirit will grow in me and this new language will become more and more present in my prayers. A big thank you for the work you do. Your teachings have made me understand the word of God as never before. You are a great blessing to me and to millions of other people. God bless you abundantly!

Sabine P. - Reunion Island
Wow! Finally I received the gift of speaking in tongues after watching a video with Audrey Mack!
At the end she said a prayer and gave some specific instructions. I followed everything to the letter and I started to speak out a few syllables like a child trying to speak. The most important, as she said was to get started. That's what I did and then it came like a river and I did not want to stop, but as Audrey said i could start and stop at will and i did.. It's amazing. The fact is that I received so much wanted to receive and I knew deep in my heart that it would happen now, immediately and I did not need to wait any longer.
Amen amen amen I am filled with the Holy Spirit and I'm so happy!
God is Lord! Hallelujah!

Reinette B.
Dear Audrey Mack. I must report this for I want my healing to be permanent and forever until I die. While you were giving a seminar on healing at New Life church on Hodges, I asked for prayers for my grandson, Johnny, age 10. It seems the stomack pains are from a breakdown because of the long term use of anibiotics ...strong ones at that. John is healed and his dad is leaving for Mexico this week with his team. Grandmother (me) was a long time smoker, along with many members of my family. That night we prayed for Johnny, I received a total healing from cigarettes. My heart is filled with gratitude for what God is doing and your faithfulness to share with us. I love you and will continue to pray for you and thank God every day for what he has done.

Corinne C.
Dear Audrey
I am glad to have some news from you ! I am Corinne, I got saved in front of my computer while visiting your website. I love God and this new path that I have taken since I started listening to your teachings. With your help I have Since found a church in Perpignan where we praise God a few times a week and I go there running! I was just thinking about how you taught me over Internet how to receive God´s love and healing!
Today I started being sick ( some gastric problems ) and I did what you advise to do in that case that is to thank the Lord for healing us on the cross and then act as though everything was ok: so I started eating reluctantly to start with and gradually I felt better and after some time I felt normal again. I do this regularly with headaches or any sickness and it works. God is good!
Be blessed with your team!
Vanaja - Hyderabad India
Dear Audrey,
My name is Vanaja. I am from Hydearabad,India. Recently we as a family attended your meetings in CBC,Hyderabad from November 11th to 14th 2015. We were among the people you prayed for (me and my tall son). My husband is doing second year in bible college and we have the knowledge of Andrew Wommack's teaching on healing but after hearing you and seeing you doing the healing ministry, it came alive to us and became evident that it is only the simple child like faith thatis needed for a person to be healed. I am healed of some feminine issues and my son of sinus issues. Thank you for your wonderful ministry. It's a great blessing to us. Thank you.
Ainsley S. - Gold Coast Australia
Hi Audrey, You may or may not remember me... we met at the Grace Encounter Conference on the Gold Coast in Australia, and you also met my girls Brooke and Miriam, and blessed us with a set of your messages from the stage. I just want to thank you so much for everything that you have imparted into our lives. Firstly, for the time you took to encourage and bless my girls when you talked with them at breakfast time and as you spoke destiny over them. This was a huge blessing for them and for me to see God at work in shaping their futures. My girls loved your messages (and yes, they were able to be understood by children, as you desire!), and when the book table was open, Miriam begged me for your messages. We had chosen two of the sets, and then the next day you blessed us with another set (one we didn't have). Of course, Miriam turned to me and said, "Mum, we need to get all of them!" and back we went to the book table to pick up the last one we'd not yet gotten. May I say what a blessing these messages have been to all of us. We have learned so much and loved every one! Also my greatest thank you is for your prayer for my children, who went out seeking the infilling of the Holy Spirit. I didn't even know they were out there, as I was being prayed over by someone else myself, but they and their friends choose to go out and the Lord is so good! Their lives have been so changed! They have come home hungry for the Word, praying throughout the day in tongues, and Miriam in particular regularly sits on her bed with your messages playing on CD, taking copious notes. In fact, she listened to your messages every day for the first week after we got home. She is hungry for the Word and you teach the true Gospel in such a simple manner that she is just drinking it in! Brooke also had been struggling with debilitating allergies that were so itchy she couldn't sleep at night and had been on medication every day leading up to the conference. After you taught us about standing up against the symptoms of sickness on the first night, Brooke put it into practice when the itchiness tried to return and she has continued to stand her ground and has not had to have medication again! 'Remember what Audrey said' has now become a regular phrase in our vocabularies. This was one of the most significant weekends in my girl's lives and the fact that you follow the Lord's direction and 'go' when He says to go has had a huge part to play in that. Thank you and bless you and we will continue to support your ministry, pray for you and keep our eyes and ears open for new messages and products you produce.
After reading testimonies and different teachings on this website I understood that God wants me well. I said the prayer believing I was healed and behold my blood pressure went back to normal. no more medication. I thank God for Audrey Mack and the whole Ministry.

Navina R. Darjeeling, India
Wearing glasses for 9 years, my eyesight was very poor. I cannot stay without glasses even for 1 minute. When I heard Audrey's teaching on Faith, I decided to exercise my faith and the whole day I stayed without glasses. At the beginning it was difgicult, but then I took a decision to stand by faith and refused to give in. By the end of the day, I no longer needed glasses and my eyes were ok, totally healed... Praise God!

Jacksonville FL
I came to visit my friends in Jacksonville and happened to be that I could attend Slavic Young Adults Service on Monday night where Audrey Mack was ministering. She was sharing the message about God's Love. The way she explained was so simple and easy to understand. All my life I believed that God exists, but I've never given my life to Jesus and never knew who really Jesus is. But that night something happened inside of me. The word got into my heart and I gave my life to Jesus and His Lordship. From that moment I knew I am a New Person. I felt so much joy and peace in my heart that I've never experienced. At the end of the service, Audrey told that God will give us some gits, but I didn't pay attention to it. Also Audrey prayed for some people and they received healing. I had a bad knees pain to the point I could not sit long or to do any leg exercises. I did not come up front for prayer and did not think about getting a healing. When I got up I noticed that I don't have any pain in my knees. I started to do exercises and felt great! I received complete healing and it was an AWESOME GIFT from God. The same night I went back home to New York, but I am no longer the same person. My desires have changed: want to read the Word of God, get to know my Savior, and live my life for Jesus. Now I see the purpose of my life on this Earth. Praise God!

Jacksonville, FL
Last summer I received a terrible sunburn on my face. My face was covered in blisters and the whole face and eyes were swallowing. It was not a pleasent look. So, I stayed home.
On the first day of my sunburn I listened to the messages online and heard Audrey's one about FAITH ACTS.
After suffering for a few days I went to see the doctor who gave me a special cream to put on my face. He told me that there is a possibility of severe scaring and permanent damage to my skin if because of infection, if this problem won't be taken care. The cream, doctor gave me, was white and thick and I had to have it on my face all the time in order to my skin get healed. So I did that. But when the weekend came I had a choice: do I go and participate in my regular activities, (such as going to churc and organizing bitrthday party for one of my friends), or do I stay at home and hide because of my look.
Immediately I remembered the message I just heard and decided to ACT IN FAITH, go on with my weekend and do things as usual. One of the main things Audrey emphasized in the message was "HOW WOULD YOU ACT IF YOU WERE HEALED?" how woul you act if nothing was wrong?
So I took it as Faith Value and went ahead and did all my activities: organized a surprise birthday party, went to church still having that white thick cream all over my face. When people saw me they were pretty shocked becuase of the look.
When Audrey saw me at the church that Sunday, she came up to me and spoke quick and complete healing over my face skin. The same day my skin started taking a turn for the better, the layers of blisters started pillin off. Literally, couple days later, my skin was healed! Praise God! When I had seen a doctor he told me that it was going to take at least two weeks to my skin recover; but not with God! I believe this was a healing mirracle from God, and Audrey with her teaching and speaking healing over me played a huge part in this.
Cannot stop thanking God!

Vijai M. - Mumbai, India
For 4 years I was using glasses. The 2nd day of Audrey's teaching I went back to my room and put my glasses on the table. The next day I brought my glasses to the class to read the Bible and write down the notes but while sitting in class I've noticed I no longer needed the glasses, I could read even the small prints without them.
Today, again, I am not wearing glasses, I am healed!
Dear Miss Audrey,
I am writing to thank you for coming to Charis Bible College at a perfect time. Your message was just what I needed to hear. The night before, I heard a message about God as our Father and it prepared my heart to receive.
During the message, I was in extreme pain in my neck,shoulders, mid back and low back. I sat with my chair at an angle to see you. After taking communion, all of the pain was gone. I can do things that I could not do before. On November 19, 2014, my car was rear ended while sitting at an intersection waiting for the light to change. I could not work.
My husband and I came from Idaho on a business trip. We visited CBC before leaving for home. I am so grateful to the Lord for His family. We are connecting in His plan. Thank you for your obedience to His call.
Teresa T.

Jacksonville, FL
In the course of the last 25 years I've had issues with understanding the Bible. Today, when I heard Audrey speak about the difference between faith and unbelief, it went directly to my heart. I received a huge revelation. Sometime ago I had broken my hand and it didn't heal properly. I was not able to clench my fist or move my fingers. During today's sermon I realized that the pain in my hand had disappeared. Now I am able to move my hand and fingers freely, I was not even praying for a healing! When I received the revelation about faith, I received my healing! The faith was exploded in my heart! Praise the Lord!

I want to share about what happened to my daughter Roshamak after the healing service, led by Audrey Mack. What happened was really strange, she has never expirienced anything like it since her sickness began. She has diabetes and has to inject insulin, but after the prayer her need for insulin has decreased every day. It is still decreasing. Because we don't know which doze of insulin she needs we have been checking with the doctors. We trust Jesus in complete healing!
Bahman F.

Jacksonville, FL
During a service at New Life Christian Fellowship, Audrey preached a message on the Passover Lamb, and at the end of the message, she invited the congregation to take communion and release their faith for their healing. Audrey had a word of knowledge about someone having a growth or nodule behind one knee. This lady got very excited and took a hold of her healing. At the end of the service she came forward, dancing around because the nodule and pain were totally gone. She jumped, danced, kneeled.... things she could not do before without pain.
Lake City, Florida
In July of this year I went to get my sports physical to play football for the LCMS Falcons. When I saw the nurse practitioner she said she didn't like the way my back looked and that she was sending me for a series of scoliosis x-rays. My results came back and I was diagnosed with scoliosis and they referred me to a Sports Medicine Ortho in Gainesville. Before my appointment to go get an MRI I came to this church where Sister Audrey was preaching and praying for healing. I went up for prayer for my back and when she prayed for me I felt like a cool breeze go down my spine, and I knew right then Jesus healed me. When the results of my MRI came back they said that there was no longer any evidence that I had scoliosis, but that there seem to be something else on my spine that concerned them and they needed to see us. We went for my appointment and they told me that I had Syringomyelia which is damage to the spinal cord due to a fluid-filled hole that forms in the spinal cord. They said I could not play any sports at all and if I did that it could paralyze me. They also said that I would need surgery and that there was a possibility that it could also paralyze me. This really upset me but then I remembered what Sister Audrey said: "what would you normally do if you were healed?" and right then I knew that God had completely healed me and I was going to keep the faith no matter what. That day I decided to go and do some skateboard. My mo got a little scared but I reminded her that I was healed, and if I was healed then I could go skateboarding. They had referred me to a Neuro and when we went to see him he told us that I did not have Syringomyelia, and that I could play any sport my heart desired. I thank God everyday for my healing. I know that if anyone here needs a healing that it has already been paid for by Jesus on the Cross, and you can receive your healing too just like me!
Oron La Ville - Switzerland
On June 5, 2012 during my vacation I injured my left foot. I returned to Switzerland to get an appointment with the doctor and after 2 Xrays the doctor proposed to give me some pain killers and 18 sessions of phisiotherapie which did not help at all. The doctor then offered to send me to a specialist. Soon after, by email I heard that you were coming to our Church in Oron on 23.09.2012 to my great joy because I knew that you would pray for me and that I would be healed. You did pray for me but my healing was not immediate but gradual. On 02/10/2012 I went to the specialist recommended by my doctor and after one hour of examination he declared: "I see nothing wrong and I can tell you that you are in PERFECT HEALTH. THANK YOU JESUS God bless you Michel A.
Delémont, Switzerland.
Dear Audrey, Friday, October 8th, at the miracle and healing service at Delémont, I asked you to pray for my ear that had been injured and that only allowed me to hear at about 40% capacity. You prayed and at the time I did not realize my healing. At home that evening, while lying down, my good ear was propped in my pillow, I suddenly noticed that I could hear little noises with my disabled ear, that I was no longer able to do since my accident. This healing for which I had already received prayer has now become effective and I thank the Lord with all my heart for his act of grace in my body. Also thank you for the message you brought to us that evening. Greetings from Switzerland. Véronique

I just received today the medical certificate of the total healing of my eyesight, so I just wanted to share it!Since the age of 17, I had to wear glasses to read, work and drive, following an excessive use of computer at school. I was also suffering from astigmatism and strabismus. In September 2010, I lost my glasses. For three weeks I've searched everywhere, no way to find them. That same month in Rhema, we had our first course on the topic of faith with Audrey Mack, a revolutionary course for me who was discovering the mechanisms of faith. Tired of not finding my glasses, and having anyway no money to buy new ones, I decided to practice what I had just heard and to exercise my faith by going without glasses. So I began to declare the word of God. I said, "By the stripes of Jesus, my eyes are healed," according to 1 Peter 2 v.24Very quickly, I realized that my eyes were adjusting to a vision without glasses, so I continued. But three weeks later, the pain returned. My eyes were watery and very painful. Then I remembered the advice of Kenneth Hagin in one of his little books: If symptoms return, do not say "Oh no, it did not work, I was wrong," but rather proclaim again what the Word says. So I proclaimed the same verse and believed I had received. I still had pain for a few hours and then the symptoms completely left. The pain occasionally came back but every time I re-proclaimed the Word and it eventually disappeared. After three months, I no longer had anymore trouble with my eyes. I was very happy, but I knew I had yet to attest medically that healing had occurred. Today at noon, I was having a vision test at the optimetrist. He made me do all the tests and finally concluded: "Miss, your eyesight is excellent. You have a 12/10, that is to say even better than 10/10. It's perfect ! ". In other words, my view is more than excellent! Glory to God ! He still heals today! Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God. It is not what we see of course, but what we believe in the heart and then what we proclaim with our mouth. Just believe, receive, declare and see it happen!
Blessings on you all, Laurence
Granby, Quebec
August 16th, 2015Another testimony to the glory of God !!! I came to EVQ this Sunday because of an advertising I saw on Audrey Mack. Before coming to the church, I had gone for some tests at the hospital because I was not feeling well. Doctors found a spot on my lungs and they suspected it to be a cancerous tumor. So I came to the church ready to receive a miracle. At the church, Audrey gave a word of knowledge about someone with a spot on the lung, so I raised my hand and I took that word with all my strength. Tuesday I returned to the hospital for a check up, but there was no tumor. The doctors were completely choqued and did not understand what had happened. But the King of Kings knows ... and I give him all the glory !!!

Erin - Lake City, FL
Erin had suffered for 10 years because of fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue. She spent half her time in bed and was at the end of her strength. Someone invited her to the church where Audrey was preaching this weekend and came despite her fatigue and severe pain throughout her body.God has a sense of humor ... That night, He specifically told Erin to wear a blue shirt.Also, before arriving at the meeting, Audrey was led by the Lord to completely change her message and preach that night on faith and healing.Erin was fighting to stay awake, tempted to leave to go back home, but during the message, Audrey suddendly asked the congregation "Did God tell you to wear blue today?"God had the attention of Erin ... she perked up and decided to stay. That night, she received her healing and since then is completely free. She is walking, exercising, and doing everything she could not do for the last ten years. She can even eat all kinds of foods to which she was allergic . And to top it off ... like the icing on the cake ... God gave her another desire of her heart ... She got filled with the Holy Spirit and was able to speak in other tongues. God is so good.Erin is now so full of energy and she shares her story wherever she goes ...
Dear Audrey, During the healing and miracle Conference you did in our church in Brussels, you gave a word of knowledge, that someone had an enlarged prostate. I came forward, but with great surprised because my doctor and I were the only ones aware of this problem. After prayer and the laying on of hands I noticed that the pain and burning had stopped. I had to see my doctor the next day for further tests and two days later, I was able to testify that my prostate, even my bladder were perfectly normal and healed. For me this is an impressive testimony of God's goodness and power in action. God is alive, He still speaks and still heals!

Sarah - Paris France
In 2010 in Paris, Sarah was a 4 years old little girl who had suffered a severe meningitis and was diagnosed by doctors to remain a vegetable, and never have a normal life. After some tests they realized that her brain waves were totally disrupted and chaotic and that half of her body was already paralyzed. After sharing a message of grace and faith, Audrey put her hands on Sarah, but even better, she taught Sarah's father & mother how to exercise their God given authority against the disease and the symptoms of Sarah . Three weeks later, they redid neurological tests and at doctors' surprise, they found that her brain was 100% normal. In 2012, Audrey went back to Paris and saw Sarah, full of life and energy She was running around the church and far from being a vegetable ... Another example that God loves defying impossibilities! "
Rene Pierre G. France
Dear Audrey Thank you very much for your teaching on the Holy Spirit and His baptism. It revealed to me that the Holy Spirit was waiting for one thing, for me to yield to Him completely, so that He can come and live in me and fill me with His power. For the first time in my life, after a long wait of 42 years, I was finally able to speak in tongues. I do not understand what I say, but I know it's a gift from God, and I receive it as such. Be blessed and may God continually help you for His glory.

Marie Josee, L.
While in Ganby Quebec, Audrey preached a message called "should I accept Sickness." Marie Josee was laying on a stretcher at the back of the church in much pain and unable to walk or move. After hearing that this condition was never the will of God and realizing that she had simply accepted this without a fight, righteous anger rose up in her and she got up and started to walk. As the minutes passed, she was getting better and better. walking by herself and doing what she has not been able to do for a while. Thank you Jesus.

Oron, Switzerland
Due to a chock this little boy had, he started to stutter and therefore refused to talk anylonger. Audrey took authority over this condition and laid hands on him. A year later, while in France, the parents came to see Audrey to testify that not only was their little boy totally healed of the stuttering, but he was now a little talking machine :-) , full of life and asking all kinds of questions.
Rich - Cincinnati
Thank you very much for your message on faith! I suffered from ACID REFLUX for almost seven years. I had faith for my healing, but my actions were not perfectly aligned with my faith and confession. Through your message I received much deeper revelation. I started to do the right thing according to my faith and I was totally healed and symptom free within 36 hours. I can now enjoy spicy food and even drink water without waking up at night in pain. I thank God for His promises, I praise Him for his faithfulness, and I am grateful that you are His faithful servant!
Dorisca M. - Port au Prince, Haiti
Dear Audrey, I cannot tell you how much I've been blessed and edified by your teachings here at Rema Haiti. It was supposed this week to undergo surgery on my right hand. I had a lot of pain and I could not write with that hand for more than 5 min. I must admit that I had received various healings in the past, but this time I did not seem to get a hold of my healing. Maybe I fixed my attention more on the symptoms and the doctor that the power of God. As you began teaching on divine healing, I was able to put my faith in God and refuse to accept this disease. At the end of the day, it was about 5pm, I put my left hand on my other hand, which had the problem, and as you have taught us I ordered the symptoms and pain to leave my hand. The pain was still there and persisted throughout the day and night, but I still believed and thanked God for my healing, knowing that I was healed. The next morning when I woke up all the symptoms and pain were gone! I am totally healed ... Hallelujah!

Caroline T. - St Augustine FL
Je suis si heureuse de pouvoir vous annoncer que mon dos est complètement guéri! Merci pour votre participation indéfectible des promesses de guérison, Jésus est vivant et Jésus guérit ! En bref, une clinique locale pour le dos avait diagnostiqué une hernie discale. Le malaise étais très fort et allait jusqu'au bout de mon pied. Après environ trois mois de traitement medical, j'ai finalement permis à Jésus de m'aimer de son plus grand amour. À l'église, parce que j'ai vraiment entendu, et accepte ce message de guérison, cela a réveillé en moi une espérance et volonté qui dormaient en moi pour enfin recevoir. J'avais de la peine à attendre que l'enseignement se termine afin que je puisse venir de l'avant pour la priere. J' étais la premiere a me lever et la premiere à l'avant. Je reste toujours ebahie de ma guérison et ebahie de l'amour de Dieu pour nous tous.

Stephen - Bangalore India
Dear sister Audrey,
I met you at the pastors conference in Karnataka. I want to share with you a powerful miracle God has done through you. I suffered from severe headaches since childhood. I had visited many doctors but they were unable to discover my illness and the drugs were no longer helpful.
I had no hope. Every six months I had these terrible headaches and I would even lose my eyesight for 5 to 6 hours at a time. The pain remained for days, I was also filled with anxiety about my marriage and the future, because of this terrible disease, and there was a deep cry in my heart.
In April 2006, I had another one of those attacks, but I met you at the residence of Pastor Nazim. You put your hands on me and prayed for me. You said that you felt the power of the Holy Spirit move through you in me, and that from now I will not have to face this terrible pain. Praise be to the God Almighty, I have not had another migraine in 2 years. I thank God for your ministry in India. I am a member of the church of Reverend Suresh and I help in the ministry. Also now I was able to finish my degree in theology. My deep desire is to proclaim our Lord Jesus Christ wherever he leads me.
Thank you to Jesus, God bless you

Ashish M. - New Delhi India
Dear sister Audrey, I wanted to take this opportunity to thank you for sharing the truth about God's power for healing. The ligament tear in my knee had been the cause of much pain and I was limping. I could not squat, run or jump and it was with great difficulty that I climbed the stairs. But after praying to me, the power of God touched me and I was completely healed. Yes I believe that healing is for today and I want to share this testimony with everyone who has an iota of doubt that the healing power of God is still for today. Once again thank you Audrey. God bless your ministry.
I had a very sick and weak heart since very young. I could not run or do anything whatsoever without being breathless. I had irregular heart palpitations and I was so tired and dizzy all the time. My back was also a problem. I could not sit still for long periods of time, or bend down without pain. At school, I heard Audrey's teaching on divine healing and after having prayed and imposed hands on me, she commanded my heart and my back to be healed .. then Audrey told me to go outside and run. I did and I returned quite surprised because my heart as well as my back was completely healed.
This young man did have a very difficult childhood. He has never been loved and he could not cry anymore since childhood ! After Audrey laid her hands on his heart, he confessed that he felt God's love for the first time, as a warmth filled him, and suddenly tears began to flow.

Meron - Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Meron had tried to have children for many years, and in her culture a woman who is sterile is despised as an object of shame. It even came to the point where she felt so distressed. She also had many problems with her female organs, keeping her in bed each month with much pain.She worked in Addis Ababa as a secretary in a Bible college where Audrey taught annually. When she discovered that Audrey taught a course on faith and divine healing, she asked permission to sit in class listening to the teaching. At the end of the course, Audrey put her hand on her and spoke to her stomach, ordering it to be totally healed and to have children. Meron felt the power of God and knew at that moment she was healed. Audrey asked, "what would you do if you knew you were going to have a child ... so go prepare your nest, because in a year, you will give birth to a beautiful baby!"Praise be to the Lord ... three months later she was pregnant and gave birth to a baby in November .... exactly a year after she dared to believe that by the stripes of Jesus, she was cured, and could have a baby ...The Word of God is true and powerful.
Senait from Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Dear Audrey, I am Senait your first year student at VBC Addis.I have a testimony that I would like to share with you. The last time you preached at the Miracle Church (with the pastor Yehayis) You prayed on my sister's shirt that I had given you for her healing.She went to the hospital on November 16, 2011. She had terrible migraines. After several tests, the doctors immediately ordered breast surgery because she had breast tumors. (She had a total of five different surgeries)After the operations, the headaches were still there and remained. They gave her a lot of pain medications without success, and waned to schedule more and different medication on Monday 21, 2011. But the day before, God healed her through you. You prayed on the shirt I gave you and she wore it immediately that afternoon. All the pain left her and she was able to stop all treatment ... she is completely cured and left the hospital without the need for other medication.I thank God for the healing of my sister.Audrey thank you

I had pneumonia with a very high fever and I could not get out of bed Audrey came to pray for me and she 'imposed her hands on me. She also ordered the disease to leave my body. One or two hours later the fever had completely gone and I was healed.

Elijah A. - Chennai, Inde
I attended a Pentecostal meeting on October 30th 1995. At the meeting sister Audrey you brought the message and you prayed for me and my wife. I felt the power of God and I fell in the same spot. You told my wife that God set me free me and you encouraged us to go to church. That night in my sleep I heard God's voice clearly. Isaiah 43: 1 "My son, I created and formed you, fear not for I have redeemed you and I called you." My wife and I with all our heart submitted our lives to the Lord and God filled us with his spirit. I am now a pastor and for the past nine years, God allowed us to plant three churches, a group for women, a village and children ministry, and some Bible studies. We have trained 10 disciples and young people who are now in Bible College. We have three adult children and our entire family is now in full-time ministry. Praise be to the Lord, all honor and glory be to Him alone.

Sandra - Switzerland
Sandra could not have children. Audrey laid hands on her, and gave her a word from the Lord... that she would be pregnant within the year. A year later, she gave birth to the little Zoe :-) A couple of years later and Sandra is pregnant again. God has blessed with a beautiful family

Hyderabad, India
She had asthma and arthritis. She could barely walk and she was in pain, but after the meeting she received her healing and began to run around the church. She said that not only could she breathe freely and easily, but all the pain in her body had completely disappeared.

I suffered from migraines for many years, but while I was sitting in class and listening to Audrey teaching on healing, my migraines stopped. No more pain since.
Beckie - Jacksonville FL
My husband and I had been trying for a long time to have a second child. We prayed, "Father, if it's your will" We were not really in faith but Audrey's preaching helped us to realize what Mark 1: 22-24 means exactly. After Audrey laid hands on me, we started to believe that we received our child. In the two months that followed, we discovered that our second child was on the way. in August 2000, I gave birth to Timothy.
Ho Chi MInh, Vietnam
I suffered from asthma for a long time. After hearing that God wanted me well and discovering how to receive my healing, I did not wait for someone to lay hands on me ... I took my healing by faith. The next day I went back to school and testified that I could breathe without problems and I have had no more asthma attacks.
Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam
She was once healed of arthritis, but lost her healing because of a lack of knowledge and understanding. After sitting in Audrey's class, she received much revelation and realized she had made a mistake. She was able to regain her healing and keep it. Her husband saw such a change in her that he finally decided to come to Bible school and he is on fire for God. Audrey saw them two years later while ministering in a seminar. She was still completely healed and healthy and both on fire for God !
Sankar, India
I had to wear glasses that were so thick you could hardly see my eyes. At the end of the course on divine healing at ELM bible school, Audrey Mack invited those who had need of healing to come forward. There were so many of us that it would have been difficult for Audrey to spend much time with each of us. When she came to me she quickly put her hand on me and then moved on to the next person. Suddenly she came back to me and told me to take my glasses off . She put her saliva on my eyes as Jesus did. Nothing changed immediately, but in the afternoon after lunch, I could see perfectly. God miraculously healed me and gave me 20/20 vision. I am so blessed and so thankful.
Addis Ababa, Ethiopie
I have been in the army for many years, and one day was shot in the knee. The bullet was never removed and was the cause of much pain and I was limping. I had been walking away from God and lived a bad life, but this particular evening I was walking by the church and I decided to stop and say hello to a friend of mine who was a youth pastor. That night Audrey Mack was preaching. As I entered the church she had a word of knowledge that someone had pain in the knee. My friend told me that it was me and encouraged me to approach the altar. Audrey put her hand on me and the next thing I know ... I'm on the floor. When I got up, I had no pain in my knee ! no bullet and no limping. Yes Jesus loves me ... I was so touched by the love of God for me, that I decided to return to the Father and to make some changes in my life.
Hyderabad, IndIia
This couple just got it all ! Both were healed... him of a back injury from a car accident, her from a constant headache she had for many years ! They also both received the baptism in the Holy Spirit and their heavenly language as they had long desired.

Bogota, Colombia
As a child, she was dedicated to the devil and was possessed by a demon. She was delivered as she renounced the devil and gave her heart to Jesus !
Bogota, Colombia
She heard the message "don't act like a monkey" and she made a decision to forgive and let go of the bitterness she had kept for many years in her life. At the end of the meeting, no one prayed for her or laid hands on her but she felt the power of God as a heat fill her body and she realized that she was totally cured of arthritis. She came forward to testify and it was then that she also was filled with the Holy Spirit.

Beatrice S. - Lonnay, Switzerland
Hi Audrey,
I wanted you to know what happened to me after your visit to our church in Lonay Switzerland.
I asked you to pray for my feet because I could not walk without special orthopedic shoes that were expensive and quite massive ... and of course not very attractive or pretty.
It took me a month to dare to wear normal shoes and since the beginning of July, I do not wear these orthopedic soles. I bought normal shoes, which are much less expensive and I even bought some with heels.
Before I would have never been able to walk with normal shoes because of a sharp pain running through my feet. Sometimes I even had to take my shoes off in the middle of the street. When the doctor prescribed these special shoes and the soles, he said that this condition could not be cured and that I should wear these shoes for the rest of my life.
But the Lord healed my feet ...
The next thing I want to do is go to the doctor to make him measure the arches of my feet and show him that my feet are perfect.
Glory to God, and I thank you for your prayers. God bless you...
North India
I am a construction engineer and last year on a construction site a large nail pierced my left foot. During the last 3 months my left leg was in pain, but I had no feeling in my foot. It seemed like there was a clot of blood or gangrene but then Audrey prayed and I felt the power of God through my body. Now I can say I am totally healed. The pain has completely disappeared, and the blood flows well. Thank you Lord.

Addis Ababa, Ethiopie
This young woman was possessed by a demon. From a young age, she lived in the streets and the demons drove her to mutilate herself and cut her face with razor blades. She came to the church for help and that day she came to the altar for prayer. The demons began to manifest themselvesand tried to prevent her from accepting Jesus.
Jesus said, "I cast out demons by the finger of God" ! Because of the Name of Jesus and His powerful blood the girl accepted Jesus and was delivered. She was so happy that she followed Audrey everywhere around the church to thank her.
Mathma G. - India
I had a skin disease and the skin on my hands and arms had turned black, but when I heard your teaching on faith, I prayed Mark 11:24 as you told us, and I received my healing. My skin disease disappeared and my skin is like new. I thank God.
Ibba S - India
Last year I heard Audrey's teaching on faith and divine healing. After she left, I became very ill and so weak. My husband prayed for me, but nothing happened. Then he reminded me what Audrey taught "what would you do if you were healed?" I'll go to the worship meeting" I replied. So my husband said," You are healed, get up, put your faith in action! "When I came back from the church my fever, the symptoms and the disease had disappeared ! I am perfectly healed.
Vidya L. - Chennai, Inde
I suffered from regular stomach pain and indigestion for a long time before joining the College Charis. My constant visits to the doctor were in vain leaving me frustrated and angry. I know what God's Word promises me about the healing, but it took me about seven months to actually discover why it did not work... Thank God for Audrey Mack because while she was preaching, I realized that I focused on my symptoms instead of looking at Jesus and what he had done for me. The simple testimony of Audrey and her teaching made my recovery a reality. As she preached, I started to believe that I received my healing by faith and I knew that I knew I was healed of all pain as this very minute. I went back to my doctor for an examination and the same person who wanted me to undergo all kinds of tests had nothing to say, but you are healthy and there is nothing wrong with you.
Thank you God for everything.
Stefany - Lima Peru
Dear Audrey, My stepfather had a strong pain in his legs for over a week and the doctors did not know what he had. I did not know what or how to pray for him, but one night after hearing your teachings I received a greater understanding from the Lord. My stepfather is not a Christian and does not live near us, so I could not impose hands on him, but I went home and I ordered the devil to remove his hands from my step-father. I prayed and exercised authority as you had taught us that night. The next day, I called my father and he told me that all the pain was gone. Thank you very much for your heart, and I know the God I see in you is my God. Thank you with all my heart.
Russel W. Atlanta, Georgie
Dear Audrey, It was wonderful to listen to you and to meet you in person. Thank God for your powerful ministry, it is giving glory to God!I have to give you a testimony. My wife had... I repeat ... had... severe pain in the shoulders, and the doctors told her she should undergo surgery because she could not raise her arms completely above her head .Thursday evening, instead of going to a Bible study at our church, I took her to school to hear your message. I was happy because it was on healing. Well, after the message when you ask for any person who needed prayer to come forward, my wife did not move. Knowing the pain she had constantly in, I was surprised and asked her why she did not go for prayer. She turned to me with the biggest smile and said ... "I understand now... I see now... I'm healed." She no longer has any pain or problems since. Glory to God.
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
This little boy spoke for the first time. his first words were "Jesus and Mama".